All the kids sitting in the bald eagles nest. L to R Brody, Bridger, Maggie, Wyatt, Hudson, Dakota, Renee |
Monday, July 16, 2012
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Friday, July 13, 2012
Sunset at Cannon Beach from the Surfside Resort in late June |
This looks so relaxing. Rex and I took a nap out there the day before. |
Haystack Rock early in the morning |
Maggie and Wyatt playing in the water at Fort Stevens on our family day trip |
Maggie loves the water |
Hudson fell in the water and got scared. Rex consoled him and after a few minutes Hudson was back out there. |
Searching for sea shells |
The sun reflecting off a small inlet on Cannon Beach |
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Brody and his fish.
Maggie with her windblown hair and her fish
Grandpa was trying to help Hudson get his fish off the line and it jumped out of his hands and tried to get back to the water no avail. Hudson and his fish. He wouldn't stick his hands in the fish's mouth to hold it
Wyatt with his first of 4 fish! He was the "catcher of the night" for sure. I think the look of the catfish freaked him out. It did me. NASTY!!!
At the very end of the night as we were packing up Brayden reeled in a double! Pretty cool!
Great Grandpa even strolled around in the rascal he rented!
All the grandkids Renee, Brayden, Dakota, Wyatt, Brody, Zander, Hudson, Remington, Magnolia, Lela and Bridger
Bridger and Grandpa on the carousel. I think this is my favorite picture of Grandpa.
We took up an entire train car
We went to BYU and toured the campus. I would like to share pictures of that trip, but in regular fashion we brought the camera, forgot the SD card, bought another and then forgot that one! Classic. Trust me, we had fun though.
Grandpa took the kids fishing at Utah Lake. All the kids caught a fish, Wyatt caught 4! I will write about that in another post.
We spent one day on Temple Square. We went to the Church History Museum which I had never been to. Super fun. There were some pretty cool things there. That night, Rex surprised me and we went to dinner with friends Dan and Cindy at the new Cheesecake Factory in the new shopping center downtown, and then we went to the Anniversary Inn that night. We hadn't been there since we got married. We stayed in the Sultans Palace room this time. The tub and shower were a Phoenix and the bed was atop two elephants.
Since we were able to stay for Easter we spent the weekend doing an egg hunt in Tassie and Jereme's backyard and dying 120 eggs in grandma's kitchen!
Easter morning before church
We always look forward to out trip to Utah on Spring Break.