Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Gone Fishin'

When we were in Utah Grandpa took the kids fishing in Utah Lake. Rex and I tagged along too. Caleb, Kristi and the kids were able to join us, so we were bound to catch something.

Rex and I are not big fans of fish, so I wasn't a huge help but we had fun and I got a ton of cute pictures.

Rex taught the kids how to skip rocks

Hudson discovered the wonders of a worm

Grandpa spent most of his time retying lines.

Brody and his fish.

Maggie with her windblown hair and her fish

Grandpa was trying to help Hudson get his fish off the line and it jumped out of his hands and tried to get back to the water no avail. Hudson and his fish. He wouldn't stick his hands in the fish's mouth to hold it

Wyatt with his first of 4 fish! He was the "catcher of the night" for sure. I think the look of the catfish freaked him out. It did me. NASTY!!!

At the very end of the night as we were packing up Brayden reeled in a double! Pretty cool!

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