There have been a few signs of Spring popping up around town.....finally. I can not believe the weather around here. I am pretty sure the rhyme should go "April and May showers bring mid-June flowers"
At least we are not having tornado's and floods so I shouldn't complain. Here is some evidence Spring is here, just in time for Summer!
This is a pic of the railroad tracks at the zoo. It reminded me of the scripture 1 Nephi 4:6
"I was lead by the Spirit not knowing before hand the things which I should do"
You can't see where the tracks may lead you, but with faith you will thrive there.
Finally some color in the landscape. I love it when the flowers begin to bloom and bright vibrant colors pop everywhere you look.
Happy Spring!!! Hopefully Spring will turn into Summer quickly. The sun brings such optimism to the Harper House. Vitamin D is defiantly our friend.
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